Below are some case studies, in the context of different products that I have designed:

Delta Sky Club Lounge

Biometric Scanner

FreeplayNew Product Design Process


New Product Design Process

Mackie Reach User-centered Design Process

Mackie Reach
User-centered Design Process

ReactJS + SASS Morse Encoder

ReactJS + SASS
Morse Encoder

Mackie Connect UI Improving User Experience

Mackie Connect UI
Improving User Experience


Early Stage Exploration

ProFX Fresh, Modern Feel

Fresh, Modern Feel

Ampeg SCR-DI Providing Solutions

Ampeg SCR-DI
Providing Solutions

ReactJS + SASS Markdown Editor

ReactJS + SASS
Markdown Editor

ThumpRefreshing a classic


Refreshing a classic




Learning to Code Why do it?

Learning to Code
Why do it?

Big Knob FamilyUser Research + Concept Generation

Big Knob Family

User Research + Concept Generation

Ampeg BA Series Case Study Coming Soon!

Ampeg BA Series
Case Study Coming Soon!



I’m an industrial designer with a passion for designing anything that improves the lives of others.

I believe that design can be a positive force in the world. My spare time is spent learning something new, or building something with what I already know.

Currently most interested in continuing to combine hardware and software for new experiences, and growing as a manager / director of teams.

Additional Works

Below are some additional projects I've been involved with over the years.  My basic workflow involves sketching, Solidworks, Keyshot / Visualize, and Photoshop.  I've also been known to mock up prototypes in HTML/CSS and Javascript.  Whatever it takes to get the most effective results!



Check my resume for contact info, or feel free to email me here.